
Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Indonesia - amazing country

Consisting of more than 17,000 islands, the vast Indonesian archipelago spans 5,120 km across the equator, positioned between the Asian and Australian continents.  Four-fifths of the area is sea with the major islands of Sumatera, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua.  The 300 ethnic groups that exist harmoniously give birth to a potpourri of cultures and fascinating people.  The major ethnic groups are: Minangkabaunese, Malay, Javanese, Sundanese, Maduranese and Ambonnese.  Arab, Chinese and Indian immigrants have also settled in regions throughout the country, particularly in the coastal cities.

Geographically, Indonesia's landscape is greatly varied.  Java and Bali have the most fertile islands and rice fields are concentrated in these two regions, whereas Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua are still largely covered with tropical rainforest.  Open savannah and grassland characterize Nusa Tenggara.

The lowland that comprise most of Indonesia has a characteristically tropical climate with abundant rainfall, high-temperatures and humidity.  Rainy Indonesia's tropical climate and unique geographical character provide shelter for flora and fauna that are as diversely rich as its land and people.  The plant and animals in Indonesia's western region represent that of mainland Asia while those in the eastern region are typical of Australia.  Endemic species, which are the pride of Indonesia exist in the central region, such as orangutans, tigers, one-horned rhinos, elephants, dugongs, anoas and komodo dragons.  The warm tropical waters of the archipelago nurture a rich marine environment that holds a myriad of fish, coral species and marine mammals.

A cultural heritage passed on through generations offers a wealth of traditional arts and crafts.  Batik, wooden carvings, weavings, silverworks and many other traditional skills produce exquisitely beautiful items.  Indonesia's multi-racial and multi-religious culture mean festivals steeped in traditions are celebrated throughout the year.  Frequently featured in these events are dances, wayang theaters and other performing arts.

my side

my side

This is about my point of view about all the things that concern me in various fields, phenomena, and events

getting creative with right brain

  • 1
    Visit an art museum. One of the right brain's functions is to perceive color. Taking time to peruse impressionist or contemporary paintings at your local art institute not only teaches you about art history, it also initiates creative thought. Evaluating whether or not you like certain images or color schemes in paintings are decisions brought about by your right brain.
  • 2
    Enroll in a dance class or dance at home. Even if you think you have no rhythm, it might not be true. Often if you feel that you don't excel at a particular creative activity, it's because you have more experience with activities that involve the left side of your brain, like solving puzzles. But dancing is an activity for everyone. Taking a dance class, whether ballet or salsa, or even dancing at home for 15 minutes twice a week, can help develop your right brain.
  • 3
    Develop a business model for your dream business. Creating ideas for an operational business allows your brain to perceive on a holistic level. By building a website to showcase your favorite skill or by drafting notes on a marketing idea, you exercise your right brain. It's possible you'll be inspired toward a new career path.
  • 4
    Write a short story or a poem. Creating images through words or verses calls upon your imagination, which is accessed through the right brain. Developing relational concepts like metaphor (when I dance, I am a bird) and simile (dancing lifts me up like the wings of a bird) enhances your creative cognition. These exercises are particularly effective when you work without censoring yourself. No creative idea is wrong or bad unless you tell yourself it is.
  • 5
    Play a game like Pictionary with your family or friends. Such activities not only stimulate random thoughts, they utilize your right brain to visualize images. Drawing and deciphering images--in this case, with a time limit--can enhance other creative abilities like improvising. Though it's important to plan and organize, the ability to improvise when plans change is a universal skill that can also balance your life and reduce stress.

sherlock holmes said

 “To a great mind, nothing is little”.

A Study in Scarlet

sherlock holmes said

"Depend upon it there comes a time when for every addition in knowledge you forget something that you knew before.”

A Study in Scarlet